Tuesday, November 27, 2007

friend is like COMPUTERS

a good friend is like a computer,

they "enter" us in their lives,

"save" us in thier hearts,

"format" our problems,

"Shift" us to oppurtunities and

never "delete" us in thier memory

INTEL-national meets SAN juan National HS

intel of Philippines shares its blessing in our school..

for 50 inernet wireless units of computers(actually black comp.) ..

for us students, 8's soooooo useful for our studies (& net browsing)

of course SJNHS is THankfUL esp. MR. ERwin BUlabog, ict incharge for being the choosen school to recieve the gifts....

HERE in cSJNHS, we already experience CHRISTMASS.... a big thanks to INTEL>>lablab